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New product to keep you from driving into your garage with gear on the roof rack

Aug 17th, 2011 | By | Category: Products

I don’t normally publish press releases, but I’ve just received one that definitely caught my eye. A system to ensure that you don’t drive into your garage with your expensive bike still attached to your roof rack. We all know someone who has done this, and the results can be catastrophic to racks, cars, bikes and even relationships. I’ve asked for a review unit and will give you my impressions on the show if I get one.

Meanwhile, here is their press release . . .



For Immediate Release

Colorado Company Launches New Damage-Prevention Product for Outdoor Enthusiasts


Denver, Colorado – HeadsUp Systems has introduced a new wireless alert system to prevent outdoor enthusiasts from driving into their garages with bikes, kayaks and other gear on their roof racks.  Available starting today, the HeadsUp System sends a wireless signal to drivers as they approach their garages, reminding them if they have gear mounted on top of their cars and prompting them to stop before any damage is done.


The system costs $169.99 and includes an LED alert sign that mounts inside the garage, tiny wireless tags that attach to bikes, kayaks, etc. and a wireless “alerter” that stays in the vehicle. When the driver returns home with gear on the roof, the sign in the garage flashes and the alerter inside the vehicle sounds a warning tone. Designed in Colorado, the HeadsUp system features a one-year warranty and a one-year battery life on the tags and alerter system.

“Our mission is to ensure that the outdoor athlete never has to hear the crunch of expensive gear from the roof of their car as they pull into the garage,” said HeadsUp Systems Co-Founder Tom Rieber.  “You can imagine, or maybe you’ve experienced that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you realize you’ve just trashed your favorite gear, not to mention damaged your car and garage.”

Rieber knows that feeling first-hand. Fifteen years ago, the competitive cyclist drove his car—and his roof-mounted bicycle – straight into his garage, causing thousands of dollars of damage.  The  accident, which occurred after a long night of riding, inspired Rieber to create the HeadsUp System to prevent fellow outdoor enthusiasts from making the same mistake.

Rieber established HeadsUp Systems with Karl Sowa, an avid cyclist, skier and former marketing executive for several successful start-up ventures, including GeoCities. The duo partnered with a leading electrical engineering expert to develop Rieber’s idea for an alert system.

“You’ve invested thousands of dollars in equipment along with hours of training. It’s your heart, your soul. And it’s worth protecting,” noted Sowa.

The Internet is littered with thousands of horror stories of tired, distracted drivers inadvertently pulling into their garages with their favorite bikes or kayaks still attached to the tops of their cars, resulting in shattered carbon-fiber bicycle frames, buckled roof racks and crushed car roofs.  Rieber and Sowa are encouraging others to share their “racked” horror stories and photos through the HeadsUp Systems website. Subscribers to the site will vote on the stories and photos in September and the top vote getter will win a free HeadsUp System. To enter, visit

HeadsUp Systems offers innovative gear-protection solutions that are permanent, easy to install and cost-effective for the customer.  The HeadsUp System is available for purchase online at  Plans are also in place to sell the product through leading outdoor retailers and independent bike dealers.


For more information, call 888.521.6773.



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  1. Sounds simiilar to a product called “3d Eye”. you interviewed the inventor/owner a couple of years ago on The Fredcast (at Interbike if I remember right).
