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Show #5 – Training for your first century

Jan 31st, 2006 | By | Category: General

On the show this week: News and views from around the world of cycling including spoke failures, handlebar stem advisories, Eddy Merckz’s Tour prediction, Discovery’s 2006 team lineup, Bode Miller accusing Lance Armstrong, a rocket bike and more! This week is also part 1 of a two-part feature on training for and riding your first century. Finally, an update on the other Fredcast, The FredCast on the MacCast, shoutouts to those who sent great e-mails, voice mails and comments, and, as always, podsafe cycling music.

You can listen to the show directly by clicking here, you can subscribe to it in iTunes, or you can use the RSS feed in whatever pod catching client you use.

Enjoy the show and don’t forget to send me your feedback! I love getting your e-mails and voice mails!

Show Notes are available HERE.

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  1. Interesting stuff! I surfed into this site while researching the meanings for a couple of slang terms I hear from time to time: Poseur and Fred. According to, your definition of “Fred” may not be quite right…

    fred n. 1) a person who spends a lot of money on his bike and clothing, but still can’t ride. “What a fred — too much Lycra and titanium and not enough skill.” Synonym for poser. Occasionally called a “barney”. 2) (from road riding) a person who has a mishmash of old gear, does’t care at all about technology or fashion, didn’t race or follow racing, etc. Often identified by chainring marks on white calf socks. Used by “serious” roadies to disparage utility cyclists and touring riders, especially after
    these totally unfashionable “freds” drop the “serious” roadies on hills because the “serious” guys were really posers. According to popular myth, “Fred” was a well-known grumpy old touring rider, who really was named Fred.

    And as nearly as I can tell, their first definition for Fred may actually be a more accurate definition of “Poseur!” Which, by the way, if you spell “poser,” you ARE one!

    They also indicate that poseur is a synonym for fred, which I don’t think is correct.

    It appears that a poseur is someone who owns a high-end bike, is decked in the latest team kit and ultra-zoot helmet, has the most expensive computer on his bars, and gets dropped on the first hill, or rides a lap around the bike path in the park and goes home. Does it “to be seen,” all style and no substance. He’s also the guy who doesn’t talk about his “bike,” he talks about his “Colnago C-50.”

    I hope you realize the above stuff is sent in a humourous tone, and is not meant to demean or insult. Tone is so hard to capture in writing! *grin!*

    In the same vein, wearing a yellow bracelet may make you a poseur – OR a fred!

    RE Bodie Miller – in the same interview in Rolling Stone he admitted to skiing drunk. This has caused quite a stir in the skiing world. Seems like the dude needs to get a bit of maturity and learn how to keep his yap shut!

    I’ll keep my eye on your site, and noise it abroad for you. Looks like you’ve got a pretty good thing going here!

  2. This is funny! I just went to my favorite cycling forum ( to post about your show, and someone had beat me to it! See, word IS getting around!

  3. Love the show. My favorite ‘cast inside my pod. I’m training for my first century, so this episode was very timely…and helpful.

    First learned of The Fredcast at I’m catching up on past issues, and enjoying every moment.

    Keep up the good work!

  4. I’ve been listening to your show since you started and I can’t tell you how much appreciate your effort in producing a professional podcast.

    I hope you’re enjoying putting the shows together as much as I’m enjoying listening because I would hate to see you stop.

  5. Great podcast. Sound levels are great for listening in the car. Good segments. Quickly becoming my favorite PodCast (next to DiggNation). Keep up the good work!

  6. Just went to podcast alley and voted.

    Also sent a note to our local “ride organizing” list letting our club know about thefredcast.

    Keep up the good stuff, Dave

    I see that a new show is on. I’ll listen to it on the plane tomorrow.

  7. Idea, recut the train segments about training for your first century together as a single podcast. More focused topics like that are very useful separate from the entire show just cause it is difficult to foward through stuff on players if you are moving.

    Nice work,

  8. I dig the format the way it is. I think some bumper music between segments would be nice!

  9. Good show. I agree with Jim, some bumper music would be nice. The show sounds very professional, and well thought out. Keep up the good work!
