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Indoor Training Setups

Feb 28th, 2011 | By | Category: Photos & Videos, Products, Training

Ethan's CompuTrainer Setup

On a recent episode of The FredCast I mentioned that I would like to see your indoor training setups. We’ve had our first taker. Here is a shot of Ethan’s indoor setup. Here is what he said about it:

My training setup is in the garage. I’m south east so the coldest the garage gets is the low 40’s (20’s outside). Computrainer with dual monitor PC so I can have the CT program up and catch up on Dexter.

Nice setup, Ethan!

Anyone else want to share their setup?

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  1. The space is so clean. Is that blue sky out the window or is the window a painting? Excellent set up. I am jealous being in my basement (finished) with rollers and two trainer.
