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Help us Fight Multiple Sclerosis

Oct 8th, 2011 | By | Category: Blog, Rides

BikeMSFellow Freds,

On the weekend of October 21, my wife Donna and I will be returning to California to ride in the annual MS Bay to Bay Bike Tour. I am asking for your support. I don’t normally do this, so I hope you’ll understand how important this is to me, my family and the entire FredCast community, and consider helping out.

The MS Bay to Bay Bike Tour supports the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, funding research for a cure while also helping people who live with MS lead more fulfilling lives. I strongly support and believe in the work they do, and I know that your support can and will make changes in the lives of all those affected by MS.

Our family has been participating in this event since 2003 when Donna’s diagnosis personally affected each of us every day. I began as a rider and fundraiser, became the ride’s chairman, and have been honored to ride not only with friends, but with Meghan, Emily and Donna. So It goes without saying that one of the reasons why we’re so excited about returning to Orange County is to see so many of our friends who will riding, volunteering and staffing this amazing event. More importantly, however, we continue to ride to help create a world free from multiple sclerosis.

Donna in particular rides as just one more way to show the world what people living with MS can do. She is proof that the funds you so generously contribute are making a difference. Last year she completed two triathlons and several 5K runs, and this year she has already completed two bicycle century rides (100 miles each) and plans to ride all 150 miles of the Bay to Bay Bike Tour, including the 100 mile ride on the first day.

And while Donna continues to do well (despite occasional days of fatigue, tingling or weakness in her limbs, and other transitory symptoms), she is one of the lucky ones. More than 400,000 Americans are fighting this disease, including those we know or have met, many of whom are facing the prospect of or have already experienced permanent disabilities.

Please help by making a donation to me (or to Donna) – large or small – to make a difference in the lives of those who are living with multiple sclerosis. Or, why not join us on the day of the event? Become a participant and side by side, as teammates, so we can work together to raise the funds to make a difference.

Whatever you can give will help! I greatly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on my progress.

Gratefully and sincerely,

David Bernstein

P.S. And have you seen this video? . . .

The Time I Rode My Bike For Multiple Sclerosis from The FredCast on Vimeo.

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